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Getting Involved with ASEA Volunteerism

ASEA Monthly

While there’s a multitude of ASEA Membership benefits, one of the most impactful for your career is the ability to get involved in your organization. Volunteering with one of the ASEA committees can connect you with your fellow actuaries in ways you may never have experienced otherwise.  And if you’ve felt the urge to get involved but haven’t found your niche, then you’re in luck.  ASEA is always looking for committed volunteers.

There are seven opportunities to volunteer for ASEA

Membership Committee: ASEA is proud to have over 550 active members. By participating in this committee, you will have a direct impact on the quality of membership for your fellow actuaries. Here you will work with leadership and staff to brainstorm and implement membership benefits for current members and to encourage new members to join.

Webcast Committee: Have you ever wanted to expand the horizons of your fellow actuaries? Heard of exciting topics that need more explanation than the ASEA Google Group? Then Webcasts is the place for you! This committee develops the annual webinar series and secures speakers for each topic.

Conference Committees: ASEA Conferences are the hub of new concepts, disseminating new information, and networking. As a committee member, you would work to develop the agenda/session topics and secure speakers for the Actuarial Symposium and the LA Advanced Pension and 401(k) Conference. Each conference has its own committee.

Government Affairs Committee: The GAC serves as ASEA's contribution to the larger ARA GAC. Committee members engage in writing comment letters and are consulted on the appropriateness of support for various policies, especially policies concerning DB plans.

Intersocietal Activities: ASEA is one of five U.S. Actuarial Organizations and participates in two international actuarial organizations as well. Volunteer opportunities include but are not limited to Councils on Professionalism, exam writing and review (including EA exams), Pension Practice Council and many more.

Professionalism Activities: One of the most important aspects of being an actuarial organization is maintaining a high level of professionalism. These professionalism volunteer activities can include membership on the ASEA Professionalism Committee, providing input to the industry on Standards of Practice, and serving on disciplinary panels, among other activities. In our current environment, having a voice and input on the Standards of Practice to which ASEA members are subject is more important than ever.

Writing: Have you ever felt that the ASPPA asaps and the ASEA monthly could use more voices and more articles on pension issues? Then we want you to write for us! Volunteering as a writer can be as frequent as your schedule allows. If you want to write just one article? That's fine too. We want to hear from you!

If you have any questions about volunteering, email me [email protected].