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Elizabeth Duda

As I sit down to pen this bittersweet farewell letter, I find myself caught in a whirlwind of emotions.  A decade ago, I walked through the doors of (then) ASPPA as the Government Affairs and ACOPA Coordinator, all bright-eyed and bushy tailed, embarking on a professional journey that would shape... READ MORE
Pension actuaries and professionals working with defined benefit plans face a unique set of challenges when it comes to meeting the Oct. 15 deadline.  This date is pivotal for annual filings and compliance. It’s important to be prepared with strategies to help minimize the stress that can come... READ MORE
While there’s a multitude of ASEA Membership benefits, one of the most impactful for your career is the ability to get involved in your organization. Volunteering with one of the ASEA committees can connect you with your fellow actuaries in ways you may never have experienced otherwise.  And if you... READ MORE
The ASEA Google Group is one of the most valuable benefits of membership. It sees both in-depth and diverse daily traffic. Members can jump right in and network on the Google Group, asking questions, getting answers, and participating with the best of the pension actuary industry. The only place... READ MORE