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A Decade of Growth, Gratitude, and Goodbyes: Reflecting on 10 Years of Professional Journey

ASEA Monthly

As I sit down to pen this bittersweet farewell letter, I find myself caught in a whirlwind of emotions. 

A decade ago, I walked through the doors of (then) ASPPA as the Government Affairs and ACOPA Coordinator, all bright-eyed and bushy tailed, embarking on a professional journey that would shape the person I am today. Today, as I bid adieu to this chapter of my life, I reflect on the remarkable experiences, personal growth, and lasting connections that have defined my last 10 years as an honorary member of the ASEA Tribe.

The Beginning. A decade ago, I joined the American Retirement Association (ARA) with dreams and aspirations, uncertain of the challenges that lay ahead. Little did I know that this organization would become more than just a workplace; it would become a second home filled with mentors, colleagues, and friends who have accompanied me through thick and thin.

The Journey. Over the years, I have had the privilege of working on diverse projects, overcoming challenges, and celebrating successes. Each assignment brought valuable lessons, honed my skills, and contributed to my professional development. From the early days of navigating the learning curve to taking on leadership roles, every step has been a building block in my journey.

Gratitude. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to my colleagues, mentors, and friends who have been an integral part of my journey. Your support, guidance, and camaraderie have been the pillars that sustained me through both professional highs and lows. The memories we've shared will forever hold a special place in my heart.

Professional Growth. The ARA has been more than just a workplace; it has been a platform for continuous learning and growth. The challenges I faced here have transformed into opportunities, and the skills I acquired have become the foundation of my professional identity. I leave with a profound sense of gratitude for the invaluable experiences that have shaped me into the professional I am today.

Cherished Moments. As I bid farewell, I can't help but reminisce about the cherished moments that have made this journey truly remarkable. From team celebrations to late-night karaoke sessions at ASPPA Annual and bar crawls across Chicago, each memory is a testament to the vibrant culture and collaborative spirit that defines the ARA and ASEA.

Looking Ahead. As I step into the next chapter of my career, I carry with me the lessons, skills, and memories from ASEA. I am excited about the new challenges and opportunities that await, and I am confident that the foundation laid here will serve me well in all my future endeavors.

Saying goodbye is never easy, but as I embark on this new adventure, I take with me the friendships, knowledge, and experiences that have enriched my life over the past decade. 

Thank you, ASEA, for being more than just an association—you've been my second family. Here's to new beginnings and may our paths cross again. 

As one final fond farewell, I’ll share my favorite actuarial joke:

How do you tell an extroverted actuary from an introverted actuary? The extrovert is staring at your shoes!

With gratitude, 

Elizabeth Duda