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ASPPA Launches Introduction to Retirement Plans Course

Education and Career Development

What was your first day working in the retirement plan industry like? The words “confusing,” “daunting,” or “disorienting” might come to mind. 

That’s what makes providing training for new employees—even a basic but useful industry overview—a real challenge. Where should you start? How much should you cover? Can you develop content that’s relevant and comprehensive—but not overwhelming?

You don’t have to, because ASPPA has done it for you with its new Introduction to Retirement Plans (IRP) certificate course. In just two hours, your new team members will get an accessible, interactive industry overview that defines complex terms and describes the major players and the basic rules of the road. They’ll also get a feel for the many ways they can contribute in the future—and grow in both their job and the industry. 

This course is comprised of two interactive online modules that introduce learners to basic concepts and language used in the industry. The first module builds the learner’s basic knowledge about retirement plans, focusing on the who, what, why and how. The second module goes into more detail to expand the learner’s foundational knowledge.

Each module has a 15-question unlimited attempt assessment at the end that learners must pass. And 2 CE Credits will be awarded for completion of the course.

Check out ASPPA’s new Introduction to Retirement Plans educational resource here!