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A New Day Dawns

ASEA Monthly

The "busy" season is well underway for our ASEA members. (By the way, this is Clint Blankenship acting as President for 2023). 

What is the busy season? An ASEA member's spouse and friends will tell you the busy season is from January to December every year. Finding purpose and new perspective year after year is challenging in many areas of life. How do we math nerds find new perspectives when dealing with the same old Internal Revenue Code (IRC) 401(a)(26) and IRC 415 issues? A great way to start is by taking action alongside fellow members, not just talking. 

ASEA has a revitalized membership committee going into 2023. The committee's focus may be different than you expect. It is not just about getting new members; it’s finding ways to support current members better and mentor future members. They will need your feedback and assistance to accomplish their goals. When a committee member reaches out for a survey or requests help with a project, respond enthusiastically! 

Taking action on this invite will definitely give you fresh perspectives! ASEA will always need volunteers. In the future, we are intentionally filling committees with a balance of experienced and less experienced members. Working alongside others on a committee builds relationships and is an incredible learning experience. This work helps develop future leaders in the industry. 

Upcoming in-person events:

Both events offer even more opportunities to get involved. We need moderators and speakers, etc. Moderators walk around the room with a microphone to engage the audience. Speakers spend time studying everyday topics to help others learn. Learning and meeting new folks are great ways to find a new purpose. 

I am excited to take on the challenges of 2023 with your Leadership Council, Management Council, committees, conference volunteers, and many others. Our great organization can work on cruise control, but quite frankly, that would be boring. We can get involved and make it happen. "It" is up to you!