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ASPPA Connect Returns Sept. 6

Labor Day, the annual national tribute to the contributions workers have made to our country, is observed in the United States on the first Monday in September. ASPPA Connect will not appear on Labor Day; to note the event, following are some facts concerning its establishment. ASPPA Connect will resume publication on Wednesday, Sept. 6.

  • Sept. 5, 1882 was the date of the first Labor Day holiday, observed in New York City.

  • The Central Labor Union held its second Labor Day holiday on Sept. 5, 1883.

  • The first Monday in September was selected in 1884 as the day on which Labor Day would be observed.

  • By 1885, Labor Day was celebrated in many U.S. industrial centers.

  • A federal law was enacted in 1894, just after the end of the Pullman Strike, making Labor Day a national holiday.

  • In many countries, May 1 is the day on which labor is celebrated; September was chosen for the celebration of Labor Day in the United States in part to discourage Haymarket-style protests and avoid strengthening socialist and anarchist activity.