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After Dec. 23 Edition, ASPPA Connect Back Dec. 28

After the Dec 23 edition, ASPPA Connect will next appear on Dec. 28. In the meantime, we wish our readers and members a very happy Holiday season.

In keeping with the season, we found a sampling of U.S. place names that resonate at this time of year interesting.

Angel City, Texas
Bells, Pa.
Blitzen, Ore.
Christmasville, Tenn.
Eggnog, Utah
Elf, N.C.
Evergreen, Mont.
Garland, Maine
Gift, Tenn.
Hallelujah Junction, Calif.
Holiday, Fla.
Holiday Hills, Ill.
Holly, Mich.
Jolly, Miss.
Mistletoe, Ken.
Noel, Mo.
Partridge, Ariz.
Poinsettia Park, Fla.
Reindeer, Utah
Rudolph, S.Dak.
Santa Claus, Ind.
Star, Okla.
Tannenbaum, Ark.